The business real estate of Saue area
Saue parish is a 627,61 km2 area west of Tallinn. The location of the parish is ideal for developing light industry, warehousing and logistic businesses since it is close to Kanama viaduct that provides quick access to Tallinn roundabout, Pärnu highway and Tallinn.
- Excellent highway connection
- Very good railway and bus connections
- Living conditions
The city of Saue provides well-developed living conditions and infrastructure. Everything necessary for comfortable living, good sports and leisure time facilities, kindergartens and schools, doctor’s offices etc. are located in the city. The same kind of living environment is also offered by Keila city which is 8 km away.
There are plenty of residential developments in Saue.
The people of Saue tend to work in Tallinn. Saue attracts workers from Keila, Tallinn and Saue parish.
5 industrial areas can be named in the city and parish of Saue:
- Saue Industrial Park and the neighbouring industrial area on approximately 72 ha – the intended use of land is 90% production use, 10% business use.
- Gate Tallinn – the intended use of land is 50% production use, 50% business use.
- Allika Industrial Park and the neighbouring industrial areas – the intended use of land is 80% production use, 20% business use.
- Vanamõisa industrial area.
- Klaasi real estate area (72601:001:0192) next to the Kanama viaduct. Area management currently in proceedings states that the area will be listed as intended for production use.
The number of companies in Saue parish is 637 (2018)
– of which operate in the processing industry 114 (2018)
The enterprises are mainly engaged in the following spheres: wholesale and retail; the repair of motor vehicles (117 companies), vocational, scientific and technological activity (81 companies) and processing industry (114 companies).
Comparing the results of 2005 and 2014 in percentage terms, most of the new companies started their activities in educational, agricultural, fishing, IT and financial sectors.
Saue Ettevõtete Liit (Saue Union of Enterprises) is active in the city of Saue since 1992.
The living conditions of Saue
Saue parish, which is home to approximately 24 000 habitants (23 926 people on 1st of January 2021) was born on the 24th of October 2017 after the city of Saue and the parishes of Kernu, Nissi and Saue were united.